Open-world Reasoning for Service Robots
If a robot is asked to get an apple from the kitchen, how should it represent this command? There are plenty of possibilities, but in a recent paper, we looked at a compact Answer Set Programming encoding that handles many of the concerns that arise when actually trying to execute such a command.
Here I’ll break down the actual answer set programs that our system would construct to handle the apple fetching example, giving complete code that you can run in clingo. Many of Clingo’s innovations extend the typical ASP solving semantics, so I’ll highlight unique features that we rely on.
You can download the full, ready to execute examples here.
Knowledge Representation
A graphical depiction of a small knowledgebase. The label on each instance is a shorthand for an instance of relation with the concept of the same name.
Planning is the task of generating a sequence of actions to accomplish a goal. So to start with, how should we describe the state of the world?
We chose a representation with three primitives: concepts, the abstract idea of something; instances, concrete objects in the physical world; and relations, descriptions of the relationships between and amongst concepts and instances.
Each concept and instance gets an ID, and relations are represented as predicates. Here’s an example encoding of a world that consists of kitchen and a living room:
% knowledge.asp
name(1, "robot").
name(2, "object").
name(3, "operator").
name(4, "hypothetical").
name(5, "location").
name(6, "room").
is_a(6, 5).
name(7, "placement").
is_a(7, 5).
name(8, "beacon").
is_a(8, 5).
name(9, "fruit").
default_location(9, 12). % Usually in kitchen
name(10, "graspable").
name(11, "scanned").
name(12, "kitchen").
is_a(12, 6). % Room
name(13, "living room").
is_a(13, 6). % Room
name(14, "sofa").
name(15, "counter").
name(16, "table").
name(17, "cupboard").
name(18, "apple").
is_a(18, 9).
name(19, "empty_handed").
name(20, "person").
% Arrangement of the world
instance_of(50, 12). % Kitchen
instance_of(51, 13). % Living room
is_connected(50, 51).
instance_of(52, 14). % Sofa
instance_of(52, 8). % Beacon
is_in(52, 51).
instance_of(53, 15). % Counter
instance_of(53, 7). % Placement
is_in(53, 50).
instance_of(54, 16). % Table
instance_of(54, 7). % Placement
is_in(54, 50).
instance_of(55, 17). % Cupboard
instance_of(55, 7). % Placement
is_in(55, 50).
% Robot
instance_of(100, 1).
instance_of(100, 19). % Empty handed
is_near(100, 52). % At sofa
% Operator
instance_of(101, 20).
is_near(101, 52). % At sofa
Now we can start to describe how actions affect the state of the world.
First, we’ll add some rules that take state atoms and produce helpful summary facts or equivalent fluents:
% base_rules.asp
% is_a is transitive
is_a(C1, C3) :- is_a(C1, C2), is_a(C2, C3).
% instances of a concept are also instances of any parent concepts
instance_of_recursive(O, C1) :- instance_of(O, C2), is_a(C2, C1).
instance_of_recursive(O, C) :- instance_of(O, C).
has_concept(O, C) :- instance_of_recursive(O, C_id), name(C_id, C).
% Support non-fluent to fluent promotion for basic attributes
is_near(self, L, 0) :- is_near(self, L).
is_near(P, L, 0) :- is_near(P, L).
is_placed(O, L, 0) :- is_placed(O, L).
is_facing(self, P, 0) :- is_facing(self, P).
is_holding(self, O, 0) :- is_holding(self, O).
is_delivered(O, P, 0) :- is_delivered(O, P).
% short-hand for some common concepts
scanned(S, 0) :- has_concept(S, "scanned").
hand_empty(0) :- has_concept(self, "empty_handed").
% Demotion
can_be_placed(O, L) :- can_be_placed(O, L, 0), has_concept(L, "placement").
% If an objecct can be placed in a room, then it can be placed on
% any surface in the room
can_be_placed(O, L) :- can_be_placed(O, R, 0),
has_concept(R, "room"),
is_in(L, R),
has_concept(L, "placement").
Now we can define the pre and post conditions for a range of robot actions:
% action_rules.asp
#const self = 100.
#program step(n).
% action navigate_to
is_near(self, T, n) :- navigate_to(T, n).
is_facing(self, T, n) :- navigate_to(T, n).
-is_near(self, F, n) :- navigate_to(T, n), is_near(self, F, n - 1), T != F.
%for now assume everything is connected
% action find_person
is_near(P, L, n) :- find_person(P, L, n).
is_facing(self, P, n) :- find_person(P, L, n).
:- find_person(P, L, n), not is_near(self, L, n - 1).
:- find_person(P, L, n), 0{can_be_near(P, L); is_near(P, L)}0.
% action pick_up
is_holding(self, O, n) :- pick_up(O, L, n).
-is_placed(O, L, n) :- pick_up(O, L, n).
-hand_empty(n) :- pick_up(O, L, n).
:- pick_up(O, L, n), not is_placed(O, L, n - 1).
:- pick_up(O, L, n), not is_facing(self, L, n - 1).
:- pick_up(O, L, n), not hand_empty(n - 1).
%:- pick_up(O, L, n), not has_concept(O, "sensed"), has_concept(L, "scanned").
% action put_down
-is_holding(self, O, n) :- put_down(O, L, n).
is_placed(O, L, n) :- put_down(O, L, n).
hand_empty(n) :- put_down(O, L, n).
:- put_down(O, L, n), not is_facing(self, L, n - 1).
:- put_down(O, L, n), not is_holding(self, O, n - 1).
% action perceive_surface
scanned(L, n) :- perceive_surface(O, L, n).
is_placed(O, L, n) :- perceive_surface(O, L, n).
is_facing(self, L, n) :- perceive_surface(O, L, n).
:- perceive_surface(O, L, n), not can_be_placed(O, L).
:- perceive_surface(O, L, n), not is_facing(self, L, n - 1).
:- perceive_surface(O, L, n), scanned(L, n - 1).
% action hand_over
is_delivered(O, P, n) :- hand_over(O, P, n).
hand_empty(n) :- hand_over(O, P, n).
:- hand_over(O, P, n), not is_facing(self, P, n - 1).
:- hand_over(O, P, n), not is_holding(self, O, n - 1).
% Inertial rules
is_near(P, L, n) :- is_near(P, L, n - 1), not -is_near(P, L, n).
is_near(self, L, n) :- is_near(self, L, n - 1), not -is_near(self, L, n).
is_placed(O, L, n) :- is_placed(O, L, n - 1), not -is_placed(O, L, n).
scanned(L, n) :- scanned(L, n - 1).
is_holding(self, O, n) :- is_holding(self, O, n - 1), not -is_holding(self, O, n).
hand_empty(n) :- hand_empty(n - 1), not -hand_empty(n).
is_delivered(O, P, n) :- is_delivered(O, P, n - 1).
% allow passing concept name in goal query
is_near_name(self, L_name, n) :- is_near(self, L_id, n), name(L_id, L_name).
is_placed_concept(O_concept, L_concept, n) :- is_placed(O_id, L_id, n),
has_concept(O_id, O_concept),
has_concept(L_id, L_concept).
is_in_concept(O_concept, R_concept, n) :- is_placed(O_id, L, n),
is_in(L, R_id), has_concept(O_id, O_concept),
has_concept(R_id, R_concept).
is_delivered_concept(O_concept, P, n) :- is_delivered(O_id, P, n),
has_concept(O_id, O_concept).
scanned_concept(L_concept, n) :- scanned(L_id, n),
has_concept(L_id, L_concept).
is_holding_concept(self, O_concept, n) :- is_holding(self, O_id, n),
has_concept(O_id, O_concept).
Clingo lets us realize iterative deepening with a built in incremental solver mode that interleaves grounding and solving until an answer set is found. To activate this mode, we include the incmode control script and mark this section of the code as a subprogram named step
with a single parameter, n
. step
programs will be grounded once for every time step in the incremental solving process, each time with an incremented value for n
. It’s important that incremental grounding doesn’t redefine any existing rules or atoms, so generally step programs consist solely of fluents. The makers of Clingo have a detailed description of the semantics of incremental solving.
The last couple of blocks of code aren’t actually encoding actions. The first set of “inertial rules” says which things we can assume remain the same if we don’t explicitly change them. These rules are a part of how ASP addresses the frame problem. The second set encodes abstracted versions of action post conditions. For instance, is_delivered_concept
can be deduced whenever the robot has delivered an object of a given concept. These rules will be key to enabling us to specify goals at the correct level of abstraction.
So far we’ve described the state of the world and its dynamics. As long as the knowledge is consistent, the answer sets this program will just be the original facts and some summary atoms from our base_rules
. Now we’ll phrase the planning query to this domain.
The user asked for an apple from the kitchen. This tells the robot that their could be an apple placed in the kitchen, even if the robot has never seen it before. So we’ll update the knowledgebase with an apple instance but tag it as hypothetical. To encode the tentative placement information, we’ll use the soft version of the placed
% knowledge.asp
% Hypothetical apple
instance_of(102, 4).
instance_of(102, 18).
% Hypothesis extracted from user command
can_be_placed(102, 50, 0).
Then, we’ll encode the actual goal of this command as the delivery of this hypothetical apple to the operator. We do this using the special check
program, which tells the incremental solving process to stop when an answer set is found that satisfies some constraints.
% query.asp
#program check(n).
% Read as; "remove answer sets where you can't deduce that an
% apple is delivered to the operator at the last time step"
:- not is_delivered_concept("apple", 101, n), query(n).
The query
atom available in the check
program is a special addition by the incremental solving control loop, allowing the developer to easily refer to specific loop iterations by conditioning on its truth. For instance, we could dissallow plans of less than 10 steps by saying something like :- query(n), n < 10.
Now, following the generate and test paradigm, we’ll produce all possible sequences of actions:
% action_generation.asp
#include <incmode>.
#program step(n).
navigate_to(T, n) : has_concept(T, "location");
pick_up(O, L, n) : has_concept(O, "object"), has_concept(L, "placement");
put_down(O, L, n) : has_concept(O, "object"), has_concept(L, "placement");
hand_over(O, P, n) : has_concept(O, "object"), has_concept(P, "person");
perceive_surface(O, L, n) : has_concept(O, "object"), has_concept(L, "placement");
find_person(P, L, n) : has_concept(P, "person"), has_concept(L, "location")
% Hide everything that isn't an action when displaying answer sets
#show navigate_to/2.
#show pick_up/3.
#show put_down/3.
#show hand_over/3.
#show perceive_surface/3.
#show find_person/3.
Running the clingo
executable with on the code shown up to this point will produce a plan. There are three possible plans, because the apple could be placed on any surface in the kitchen. To get all acceptable plans, we can run clingo 0
clingo version 5.4.0
Answer: 1
navigate_to(55,1) perceive_surface(102,55,2) pick_up(102,55,3)
navigate_to(52,4) find_person(101,52,5) hand_over(102,101,6)
Answer: 2
navigate_to(53,1) perceive_surface(102,53,2) pick_up(102,53,3)
navigate_to(52,4) find_person(101,52,5) hand_over(102,101,6)
Answer: 3
navigate_to(54,1) perceive_surface(102,54,2) pick_up(102,54,3)
navigate_to(52,4) find_person(101,52,5) hand_over(102,101,6)
Models : 3
Calls : 7
Time : 0.022s (Solving: 0.00s 1st Model: 0.00s Unsat: 0.00s)
CPU Time : 0.022s
Plan Execution
In practice, we randomly pick one of the feasible plans and begin execution. Plan fluents are mapped to action executors. Each executor is responsible for updating the knowledge base with the results. Execution is tricky because it can fail in many different ways (e.g. executor believes it succeeded when in reality the robot did not actually accomplish the postcondition, changes in environment invalidating plan). An unusual twist in our encoding is that we actually rely on plan execution failing. The perceive_surface
action’s post conditions are specified optimistically, stating that the desired object will be known to be placed on the surface. We guarantee that this post condition is never met by ensuring that the executor creates fresh instances for the objects that it sees. The robot will never “see” object 102 on a surface, it’ll see a fresh ID, so plan execution will fail and the plan execution process will attepmt to replan.
To play with this, we can move the robot to the cupboard
% knowledge.asp
% ...
% Robot
instance_of(100, 1).
instance_of(100, 19). % Empty handed
is_near(100, 55). % At cupboard
is_facing(100, 55).
% Say we've scanned the cupboard.
instance_of(55, 11).
Now we can try to check if the remainder of the plan still accomplishes the goal. We call this a monitor query.
% query.asp
#program check(n).
% Assert the remainder of the plan
% Is it possible for us to achieve the goal with this plan?
:- not is_delivered_concept("apple", 101, n), query(n).
Because we know the bound on number of timesteps for the solving process in this case, we can call clingo with a cap: clingo * 0 -c imax=5
clingo version 5.4.0
Models : 0
Calls : 5
Time : 0.073s (Solving: 0.00s 1st Model: 0.00s Unsat: 0.00s)
CPU Time : 0.019s
If the perceived objects happen to include an instance of the concept “apple”, the new plan will be to pick up that instance instead. You can see this by manipulating knowledge and then running the original planning query.
% knowledge.asp
% ...
% This is what perceiving the cupboard should have done
% according to the post condition. We implement the
% action such that this can never happen.
% is_placed(102, 55).
% We _could_ see a real apple, in which case it would be
% added to the knowledgebase with a fresh ID. The
% original plan is invalid, but replanning will just
% adopt this instance.
is_placed(103, 55).
If no apple is perceived, the surface will have been marked scanned, so replanning will produce another plan for a feasible hypothetical placement until no such plans remain. There are three surfaces in the kitchen where the apple could be placed, so the robot would visit each before finally failing to generate additional plans.
Say the robot has perceived every surface in the kitchen without finding an apple.
% knowledge.asp
% ...
% Hypothesis extracted from user command
can_be_placed(102, 50, 0).
% Results of scanning surfaces
instance_of(53, 10).
instance_of(54, 10).
instance_of(55, 10).
It would be nice to provide the user with an explanation of what happened. In this case, the encoding lets us detect that the user’s command was premised on a false assumption. The strategy we adopt is to attempt to deduce the negation of the provided hypotheses. In this case, we leverage a couple of rules specifying that if we’ve perceived every surface in the kitchen and there are no apples on them, then the apple could not be placed in the kitchen.
% diagnostic_rules.asp
-can_be_placed(O1, L, 0) :- scanned(L, 0),
0{is_placed(O2, L) : instance_of(O1, C), instance_of(O2, C)}0,
has_concept(L, "placement"),
has_concept(O1, "hypothetical").
-can_be_placed(O, R, 0) :- 0{is_in(L, R) : has_concept(L, "placement"), not -can_be_placed(O, L, 0)}0,
has_concept(R, "room"),
has_concept(O, "hypothetical").
#show can_be_placed/3.
#show -can_be_placed/3.
Running this program would return UNSAT because we have both can_be_placed(102,50,0)
and its negation via the diagnostic rules.
To phrase this query a little more nicely, we make the hypothesis optional, which allows us to get an answer set containing the negation of the hypothesis. Finally, we can use Clingo’s built in optimization mode to rank the returned answer sets by the number of hypotheses that are upheld (giving the user the benefit of the doubt).
% query.asp
% Optionally generate the hypothesis.
0{ can_be_placed(102, 50, 0)}1.
% When the body of this rule is satisfied, add a weight of -1 for
% for this answer set. Lower weights are prefered.
:~ can_be_placed(102, 50, 0). [-1, 1]
Note that this query isn’t in a check(n)
program. That’s because it doesn’t need to reason about actions or the dynamics of the environment at all. In fact, the action rules and generation files shouldn’t be included in this program at all.
clingo version 5.4.0
Answer: 1
-can_be_placed(102,53,0) -can_be_placed(102,54,0)
-can_be_placed(102,55,0) -can_be_placed(102,50,0)
Optimization: 0
There is no way for us to uphold the user’s hypothesis in this situation, so we have one answer set with weight 0 that contains the negation of the hypothesis.
With A Robot
When wrapped up into the actual system, a user command like this will end up generating 6-10 planning, replanning, monitoring and diagnostic queries.
Read More
Details and additional information about the paper are here.
Y. Jiang, N. Walker, J. Hart, and P. Stone, “Open-World Reasoning for Service Robots,” in Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS 2019), 2019.